5 reasons not to open an e-commerce

by | Sep 2, 2020 | E-commerce

Home 9 E-commerce 9 5 reasons not to open an e-commerce

Opening an e-commerce can be a way to sell and earn more money because it expands the reach of our store. But it is not always the best solution: running an e-commerce business means commitment and investment. Let’s forget the false myth that one becomes rich immediately with little effort.

Do you really want to open an e-comerce? In this article I explain what are 5 reasons why it might be the wrong choice. If, after reading them, you think you are ready for an e-commerce, write to me. If you’ve reconsidered instead, write to me anyway because there are so many other online activities that can greatly benefit your store even if you don’t have an e-commerce.

Lack of time and resources

An e-commerce requires a lot of time and resources. You have to take photos, upload products manage the warehouse and shipments, communicate. I have already written a guide to opening an e-commerce with a physical store. Try to check whether you can afford to handle all the necessary activities, whether you have enough people and time to devote.

If you can’t afford the necessary investments or can’t keep up with e-commerce activities at this time, perhaps it’s best to start improving in-store sales. You can make a showcase site that is well indexed on Google and Google Maps, so you can bring customers to your local business. You can always integrate e-commerce later, when you are ready.

DIY E-commerce

Do you think you can run an e-commerce business completely independently? To do this you must know well what you are selling and have excellent skills in sales, administration, logistics, website management, marketing and communication. If you can do all this and have the time, start now-you don’t need anyone else. If not, build a quality team. I could take care of site management, marketing and communication.

If you really don’t want to have a team, drop the e-commerce idea and get a good site to communicate your business locally. Remember, though, that even then a DIY site can be just a waste of time and money. Let me know if you need any help.

Common products and uncompetitive prices

To sell online you have to differentiate yourself because the competition is very high. One way is to sell products that are unique, customized or otherwise hard to find elsewhere. Another is to sell common products at affordable prices. There are thus two levers: originality and price. You might also try aiming for quality assistance from very experienced people.

If you don’t have any of these requirements, you risk having more expenses than income with an e-commerce. Better to aim for a point-of-sale assisted by a good local digital marketing strategy.

Lack of an online sales project

Everyone has an ecommerce, so you have to do it too. No, the approach is wrong and so you risk throwing away a lot of money. An e-commerce cannot be improvised: it requires a plan that integrates into your overall marketing strategy. You must also take into account investment in advertising and e-commerce support channels. Online selling cannot be improvised: if even one cog gets jammed, the e-commerce machine crashes.

There is no alternative: start with a strategy or continue working as before. If you prefer, you can start with a simpler website, Google indexing, and social media communication. But even then you have to get help to plan a perfect marketing strategy.

Low confidence in e-commerce

Don’t believe in ecommerce, but still want to try it and see how it will go? I anticipate that if you start with this assumption it will definitely go wrong. In e-commerce, as in every other aspect of life, conviction is the greatest lever of success. Digital marketing offers many opportunities to achieve your goals, but if you lack confidence, it is like driving a Ferrari using second gear all the time.

If you have any doubts about e-commerce, write to me. I can try to explain what the benefits can be for you, and only if you are convinced, start selling online.

Luigi Nervo

Luigi Nervo

Digital Marketing Manager

Marketing, Seo and content expert (read the bio).

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Luigi Nervo

Luigi Nervo

Digital Marketing Manager

Marketing, Seo and content expert (read the bio).