Ecommerce Guru, the Italian portal of online sales

by | Feb 18, 2013 | Information and content

Home 9 Information and content 9 Ecommerce Guru, the Italian portal of online sales

Ecommerce Guru is the Italian portal dedicated to online sales. Here you can find the latest news, guides, payment information, and case histories of success stories with video interviews with key players. The intent is divulgative: with this site that I have created and am managing within the web marketing agency Jusan Network for which I work, I try to explain what are the advantages and potentialities of ecommerce, a sales channel that is growing rapidly in Italy both in number of sales and new users.

Jusan Network decided to start this project because it strongly believes in the value ofecommerce, a field in which it specializes. Looking at the Turin-based web agency’s portfolio, one finds many projects revolving aroundecommerce, which sometimes functions as a complementary sales channel to others, and sometimes is an exclusive means of selling products. Ecommerce and mobile are two of the fields in which Jusan Network specializes, and together they represent the future of commerce: just think of how many people use smartphones at all times of the day and then make purchases. For this very reason, a mobile section has also been included within Ecommerce Guru.

The section on online payments is interesting. Some people do not trust them because they do not know them well. Learning how they are carried out is the first step in overcoming prejudice and misinformation. But there is more: it is still thanks to mobile devices that new forms of electronic payment are emerging. By now it should be said: in the future people will pay less and less with coins and banknotes and more and more with electronic money.

The most successful part, however, is the case histories and interviews. Seeing is believing, in fact people are not satisfied with numbers and statistics, but want concrete cases. In this space, visitors can find many examples of ecommerce successes in different commodity sectors. Already several brands have told of their experience, and more will be telling in the coming months.

Finally, Ecommerce Guru is not only online. Soon with Jusan Network and its partners I will organize an event in Turin dedicated to ecommerce. Several brands and some experts will speak. It will be a full day dedicated to ecommerce outreach. But more about that later on this site and on Ecommerce Guru. In the meantime, continue to inform yourselves so that you are not left behind.

Luigi Nervo

Luigi Nervo

Digital Marketing Manager

Marketing, Seo and content expert (read the bio).

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Luigi Nervo

Luigi Nervo

Digital Marketing Manager

Marketing, Seo and content expert (read the bio).