Google Core Update coming soon? No fear

by | Dec 7, 2021 | Seo

Home 9 Seo 9 Google Core Update coming soon? No fear

Periodically Google releases a new Core Update of its algorithm and a frenzy breaks out in the Seo community. Sites collapsing, others gaining positions, webmasters running for cover and changing everything. It is a scene that is repeated again and again, every time. But some reactions are exaggerated: to be calm, it is enough to have worked correctly up to that point. Those who are too afraid do not have a clear conscience.

In reality, these Core Updates that are so scary are only the tip of the iceberg, certainly the most impactful ones. According to a statement by Danny Sullivan (Public Liaison for Search), in 2018 alone Google released 3200 updates to its algorithm, often minor interventions that help build the world’s number one search engine’s big machine.

Google is a private company that sells advertising, and its goal is to keep the quality of the product high so as to retain users and thus advertisers. Therefore, it rewards websites that give quality, correct and relevant information. In order not to be taken by surprise by Google algorithm updates, just always think about the users and follow some simple guidelines.

Produce content with added value for users

No more copy-and-paste content. Content must be original and give something new and useful to readers. Do you want to write about a topic you’ve already seen elsewhere? Okay, but give your own interpretation, add data, bring value that I can only find on your site. Write naturally, without forcing keywords or headlines just because a plugin tells you to. An important value is also that of consistency: don’t write articles just to get traffic, but always respect the editorial line and the context of the site.

Insert relevant links and don’t cheat

The Web is an open world. Make sure each page is easily accessible via a path from the site’s home page, otherwise you would have orphan pages, invisible to Google. Likewise, link authoritative sources that can offer consistent insights. Don’t be afraid to add these links in dofollow: it’s not shameful to link to other websites, but it can be valuable.

Enrich with multimedia content

If you have the opportunity, enrich your pages with multimedia content, such as photos, infographics or videos. Visual attracts attention of users and helps break up the uniformity of a written text. Don’t you have a video of your own? You can always embed a relevant video from YouTube. Again, this is not a shame but a value.

Respond to precise research intentions

How many times have you googled something, clicked on an article and found something different? It is very annoying and the algorithm tries to avoid these situations. The user must always be at the center of your thoughts: write for them and Google will be on your side. Search intent is key: analyze your audience, think about what they want to know, and give accurate and timely answers. Some questions do not need 10000 words, but two lines are enough.

Write true information in an authoritative way

Do not write false and incorrect information. This seems obvious to me. Always try to be transparent and explain who you are. On topics related to the area of “your money, your life”-those pertaining to economic or personal health-related choices-Google requires that content be produced by recognized experts so that it can be assured that it cannot harm people. But in a less binding way, the concept of authority extends over every field. You can’t write about a subject you don’t know.

Write correctly and avoid automatic texts

Content is king, but form is also important. You need to write correctly, without making major linguistic and grammatical errors. The typo can always slip through, but the goal must be to write clearly for the user. Avoid automated texts and translations because the text may be wrong and of poor quality. If you use them, do a check before publishing to adjust the form and make the text more human.

Take care of user experience and page loading speed

A site must be easy to navigate and fast. Google introduced Core Web Vitals for this very reason. Avoid distracting elements or elements that may increase the page load time: users will leave the site if they do not immediately find the content they are interested in.

Keep up to date with Google’s latest algorithm updates

Follow Google’s official blog to be updated on the latest updates. If you follow the guidelines we have seen, in most cases you should not fear Core Updates and you may even notice increases in traffic. However, it is always helpful to know what is changing and possibly make small changes to make it better and better.

Luigi Nervo

Luigi Nervo

Digital Marketing Manager

Marketing, Seo and content expert (read the bio).

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Luigi Nervo

Luigi Nervo

Digital Marketing Manager

Marketing, Seo and content expert (read the bio).