Google Hotel Finder, the hotels search engine

by | Jan 11, 2014 | Seo

Topics: Travel
Home 9 Seo 9 Google Hotel Finder, the hotels search engine

Looking for a hotel in Italy or abroad? Google Hotel Finder is your ideal search engine. It is a useful tool for web marketing in tourism, an opportunity for facilities to get more online visibility and promote their business through the best offers, promotions, and user generated reviews. It’s part, such as Google Flights, of the products portfolio planned by the American company to attack the tourism online market.

How does Google Hotel Finder work? The user can search for hotels in a city, near a point of interest or in a geographical area, for a defined time period. The result will be a list of hotels that meet the requirements, adding the informations about pricing, availability and ratings from users. The search can be improved through filters such as price delta, hotel, rating from users or travel time.

Un aspetto interessante per chi si occupa di SEO e web marketing del turismo è l’integrazione di Google Hotel Finder con i risultati di ricerca. Se per esempio proviamo a cercare su Google “hotel a Torino” i primi risultati sono quelli della pubblicità su Google Adwords, poi quelli di Google Hotel Finder e sono dopo quelli della ricerca organica (di solito i siti di booking online che precedono Google Plus e gli hotel).

In addition to the visibility and price comparison, Google Hotel Finder provides an opportunity for hoteliers to take advantage by the references from their customers. In fact, the system collects the ratings and reviews, which are located on the old pages of Google Local and on portals like TripAdvisor, and Venere. For travelers, on the other hand, it is a good way to get more information unfiltered by the owners of hotels and by hotel facilities.

How can I add my hotel on Google Hotel Finder? On the instrument is not present any registration system because they use information gathered on the web. The first step is to update the page on Google Places by including detailed information on the structure. Regarding the data on prices and deals, Google Hotel Finder collects information from some OTA, GDS and online booking services, so it is important to make the best use of these tools.

Google Hotel Finder is a great tool to improve the online visibility of your property, but for best results it is necessary to implement the right web marketing and customer relationship marketing.

Luigi Nervo

Luigi Nervo

Digital Marketing Manager

Marketing, Seo and content expert (read the bio).

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Luigi Nervo

Luigi Nervo

Digital Marketing Manager

Marketing, Seo and content expert (read the bio).