Graph Search, benefits for Facebook Ads advertising

by | Jul 11, 2013 | Advertising

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Home 9 Advertising 9 Graph Search, benefits for Facebook Ads advertising

Graph Search is the new tool to increase the effectiveness and value of Facebook Ads advertising campaigns and social media marketing. How? Improving the online experience of users, their permanence and the interaction with their interests, a blessing for anyone involved in social media marketing and online advertising.

To better understand, let’s briefly some aspects of how Graph Search works. You can now make precise searches that are based on interests, likes and friends’ actions. For example: Chinese restaurants in Turin frequented by Chinese friends. Given that the aim of the company is not to violate the privacy of Facebook, the new research is based on word of mouth and on the indirect advice of friends or people who, for various reasons, are considered influential on a given topic. And when there are no satisfactory results, it will use the search engine partner Bing to give an answer.

We come to the first value. Graph Search is a tool to create accurate and timely social media marketing campaigns. The interactions are in fact the most effective guarantee for users, because we talk about spontaneous actions (even if guided by well-defined marketing strategies) and not about advertising that is imposed and that the user receive passively. A like or an interaction with the page of a brand, that is the result of spontaneous interactions, acquire even greater value because it could be decisive to finish in the search results of a larger number of users. So companies are driven to increase their activities on Facebook.

The other added value is more direct and can immediately bring more dollars into the Mark Zuckerberg’s bank account. We are talking about the advertising on Facebook Ads, the advertisements that appear in the right sidebar or in the timeline as sponsored posts. They comes from pay online advertising. Graph Search, at least for the moment, does not include commercial kits made ad hoc, but the purpose is to increase the permanence of users on Facebook making them find all the information needed. At this point, the formula is simple. More time on Facebook means more ads rotation, better campaign results and greater value of advertising space than the competitors. As a result, revenue for the social network is expected to increase considerably.

So, Graph Search is a great deal for Facebook, but not only. Even companies could receive benefits thanks to the integration of social media marketing and Facebook Ads. The high quality of free and paid services can bring more benefits to the online activity of the brands. If we consider the increased potential for diffusion and targeting offered by Gaph Search and by other new sercices like the hashtag on Facebook, the social network is increasingly becoming a gold mine for companies that want to invest in online communication and that want to build direct interaction with their audience.

Luigi Nervo

Luigi Nervo

Digital Marketing Manager

Marketing, Seo and content expert (read the bio).

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Luigi Nervo

Luigi Nervo

Digital Marketing Manager

Marketing, Seo and content expert (read the bio).