How Google Penguin works

by | Mar 16, 2013 | Seo

Home 9 Seo 9 How Google Penguin works

Google Penguin is the algorithm for identifying Internet sites that use deceptive SERP practices to increase page rank and rank on search engines. The new Google Penguin update, announced by webspam chief Matt Cutts, will increase the algorithm’s effectiveness in ferreting out inbound links artificially created to fool the search engine. So, watch out for the penguin! Learning how it works and knowing the fundamental sanctioned behaviors become key aspects to avoid being penalized.

Google’s system is aimed at providing better and better service to users doing Internet searches by offering them relevant results. Google Penguin is not a tool to hinder webmasters and content managers, but to favor those who create links on the Web to offer additional information appropriate to the topic at hand and of quality. The geeks who work behind a website for the Seo part are in fact divided into two categories: the White Hat who manage the website by carefully choosing content, keywords and usability to offer the public a better service; and the Black Hat who try to fool search engines and visitors with less-than-legal techniques.

The most common misbehaviors are keyword stuffing, i.e., excessive keyword crowding within the text, and inbound links with manipulation in the anchor text. It is in these cases of over-optimization that the penguin comes into action. In the first case, it is easy to identify which websites abound with keywords inserted only to climb positions on the Google results page and without bringing any added value. In the second case, on the other hand, the algorithm intervenes in a more delicate way to ferret out links from other Internet sites that try to link the page to certain keywords. In other words, it tries to expose networks of Internet sites that trade links or sell links to promote Seo ranking. In addition, referrals from portals that have already achieved a good SERP score are evaluated more positively. Thus, to be favored are those Internet sites that get citations because of their content.

What will change with the new Google Penguin update and the strengthening of the effectiveness of this algorithm? We will certainly see slight changes in search engine rankings in the coming months. But White Hats who have always adopted behaviors in accordance with Google’s guidelines will have no problem, in fact they will be rewarded. Instead, those webmasters who have tried to climb positions in search results through tricks and built websites for Google’s spiders and not for readers will have to worry.

To evaluate inbound links, I recommend Majestic Seo, a free website analysis program that requires only a simple registration.

Luigi Nervo

Luigi Nervo

Digital Marketing Manager

Marketing, Seo and content expert (read the bio).

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Luigi Nervo

Luigi Nervo

Digital Marketing Manager

Marketing, Seo and content expert (read the bio).