I have passed the first exam for Google Adwords qualification

by | Sep 5, 2013 | Advertising

Home 9 Advertising 9 I have passed the first exam for Google Adwords qualification

I have passed the first exam to obtain the Google Adwords individual qualification that proves the knowledge of the basic principles of online advertising on the most used search engine in the world.

The first examination, which is required to achieve the Google Adwords qualification, consists of 95 questions with four possible answers, both single-choice and multiple-choice. The time limit to complete the online test is 120 minutes, but it takes a lot less to finish it safely. The minimum threshold of correct answers for passing the exam is 85%.

The topics for the examination deal about the basic principles, all contained in the guides provided by Google, ranging from online advertising on Adwords search network and display network. In other words, they touch the fundamental arguments about paid listings derived from the results of the search engine placements and partner sites that host contextual ads through Google.

Among the key topics there are the definitions of CPC, CPM, CPA which are the basis of the offers of Google Adwords. But there are also concepts like the calculation of the ranking of an ad, the extensions, the automated bid management, the tools for optimization, the monitoring the results and the use of multiple accounts and customer center.

After the first examination, the next step to get the individual qualification of Google Adwords is the overcoming of an advanced test between search advertising on the network or display, or analysis and reporting. Until now I have completed 50% of my path towards the goal of certification.

Luigi Nervo

Luigi Nervo

Digital Marketing Manager

Marketing, Seo and content expert (read the bio).

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Luigi Nervo

Luigi Nervo

Digital Marketing Manager

Marketing, Seo and content expert (read the bio).