Seo activity let Ecommerce Guru fly high on Google

by | May 2, 2013 | Seo

Home 9 Seo 9 Seo activity let Ecommerce Guru fly high on Google

The Seo activity made the news portal Ecommerce Guru grows unstoppable: in a few months, visits gradually increase and Google page rank improves, allowing the website to reach the first page for relevant searches. It is the result of careful strategic planning of the content and writing of interesting articles and quality.

When the portal was launched in November of 2012, it seemed a difficult task to reach the top in Google searches for keywords for which competition is fierce as those of the ecommerce sector. The competitors are agencies and gurus who are in the market for many years and thanks to the time and experience have consolidated their position. But nothing is impossible, and Ecommerce Guru has done it.

ecommerce guru on Google

Analysis by Google Webmaster Tools shows that the portal has received many visits from the three variants of search queries ecommerce, e-commerce, e commerce. Anyone can verify the accuracy of this information by typing the keywords mentioned in the Google search and see how Ecommerce Guru has won the first page. It has even surpassed the giants well known in Italy as the Netcomm Consortium and Casaleggio Associati agency. The site is positioned for other keywords that are related’ to individual articles. In April the total traffic with a source of organic search Google has more than doubled.

By a good Seo activity, web traffic also increases: in the period from December of 2012 to April of 2013 there has been a steady growth with an average increase of 55% every month. This success is the result of the publication of articles with a higher frequency, the increase in the portal prestige in the eyes of the public and of the Google spider, the inclusion of original content and the Ecommerce Day event in Turin, which has increased the website awareness to a larger number of people. No coincidence that one of the peaks was recorded on April 12, the same day. Google Analytics also seen an increase in page views in the last month that has almost doubled compared to the previous one.

This case history shows that it is not impossible to succeed on the web and position a website on the top of the search results of Google, even in areas with a lot of high level competition. The secret is to identify the keywords that are relevant to the goals and create a lot of original contents that contain those keywords with good density and in the correct position. And of course, quality is essential. Ecommerce Guru was launched in November with a very modest budget and, despite this, in a few months was considered by Google as one of the most influential sources of information.

Luigi Nervo

Luigi Nervo

Digital Marketing Manager

Marketing, Seo and content expert (read the bio).

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Luigi Nervo

Luigi Nervo

Digital Marketing Manager

Marketing, Seo and content expert (read the bio).