Sicilia Vacanza, the Sicilian tourism web portal

by | Dec 26, 2013 | Seo

Home 9 Seo 9 Sicilia Vacanza, the Sicilian tourism web portal

Sicilia Vacanza, historical tourism in Sicily web portal, is the case history of how we can bring out a site from Google Penguin penalization thanks to Seo. The portal, for years at the head of Google searches for queries related to holidays in Sicily, was declassified because of some becklink judged illegal by the search engine and because of the Google algorithm changes that occurred several times in recent years. Sicilia Vacanza continued to receive visits from loyal users, but it lost those from Google, so we needed a Seo intervention to bring the portal to the previous situation.

Sicilia Vacanza on Google
Penalization: comparison of web traffic from Google in the period August-October 2013/2012 (source: Google Analytics)

The first step has been to remove the bad backlink indexing by Google. In fact the site was finished in the network of some link farms, those sites full of useless backlinks to and from other sites. After Google reported that Sicilia Vacanza had nothing to do with these sites, the first results has come: the search engine has started to index the pages he had forgotten.

The second step, the longest, was that of Seo interventions on content. So I started to modify the old news by correcting the title and description meta tags, the texts and highlighting keywords. To proceed obviously I had to first carefully study what keywords were performing in the past and what are the current trends.

In summary, these are the necessary steps to eliminate the penalization of Google Penguin, although to be connected to a series of web marketing activities useful to increase the page rank of the published articles. Results? Sicilia Vacanza is growing and has exceeded, in terms of traffic generated by Google, the values ​​of the period that followed the penalization. During the Christmas season it has been once again one of the landmarks of tourism in Sicily and now it is ready to reach new goals during the 2014 summer holidays. In other words, it is again the portal where you can find all the information about routes and about the best deals for your holidays in Sicily.

Luigi Nervo

Luigi Nervo

Digital Marketing Manager

Marketing, Seo and content expert (read the bio).

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Luigi Nervo

Luigi Nervo

Digital Marketing Manager

Marketing, Seo and content expert (read the bio).