The Ecommerce Day event on April 12, 2013 at the Polytechnic University of Turin

by | Mar 8, 2013 | Marketing and communication

Home 9 Marketing and communication 9 The Ecommerce Day event on April 12, 2013 at the Polytechnic University of Turin

On Friday, April 12, Turin will host the Ecommerce Day , the day to learn all the secrets of ecommerce. Theevent, which will be hosted at theI3P of the Polytechnic University of Turin, will feature entrepreneurs from start-ups and large enterprises that have built their success and increased sales through the Web.

Ecommerce Day is the brainchild of Ecommerce Guru, the Italian portal dedicated toonline sales where you can find all the latest industry news, tips and interesting case histories. The event carries forward the dissemination intent to raise awareness of the world of e-commerce and more generally to bring readers closer to the culture of digital innovation. In addition to the companies, the Piedmont Region will be present at the event, telling about the interventions for the development of local businesses, as well as Google and Unioncamere, which will unveil the details of the Districts on the Web project.

Why talk about ecommerce? In the past year, online sales in Italy have grown by 14 percent and there has been a 33 percent increase in the number of new users making purchases through the Internet. This positive trend is due to the fact that more and more Italians own at least one mobile device, smartphone or tablet, and use it throughout the day to surf the web, interact with companies, search for information about products they want to buy, and buy online.

The potential consumer is always connected and can access the Internet at any time of the day and from almost any place. Therefore, if a company does not have an online presence, it is as if it does not exist. However, building a simple institutional site is not enough to win. Competition is high and it is necessary to know and put into practice the best strategies to be not one but three steps ahead of competitors.

DuringEcomemrce Day, guest companies will explain how they made their way with the Internet within their sales sector. They will talk about start-ups, e-commerce in B2B, tourism, sports, and how the web can help enhance zero-mile products or quality products from abroad.

Success is not achieved by copying but by innovating, however, knowing the path taken by other successful companies can offer new insights and stimuli to invent something new and amaze your customers. Ecommerce Day will be an opportunity to get to know successful entrepreneurs up close and personal with them, getting in touch for possible collaboration proposals.

Ecommerce Day is organized by the web agency Jusan Network, which specializes in e-commerce and mobile, the Ecommerce Guru portal, and the startup incubator Treatabit, which helps young entrepreneurs with bright ideas realize their projects.

The event will feature talks that will alternate throughout the day on Friday, April 12, and will take place in the Agora room of the I3P at the Polytechnic University of Turin.

Luigi Nervo

Luigi Nervo

Digital Marketing Manager

Marketing, Seo and content expert (read the bio).

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Luigi Nervo

Luigi Nervo

Digital Marketing Manager

Marketing, Seo and content expert (read the bio).