Turin’s Ecommerce Day event premiere is a success

by | Apr 15, 2013 | Marketing and communication

Home 9 Marketing and communication 9 Turin’s Ecommerce Day event premiere is a success

Ecommerce Day - Luigi NervoInterest in ecommerce is high. This was evidenced by the success of the first edition ofEcommerce Day, an event held on Friday, April 12, at I3P in Turin. The event, which addressed topics related to start-ups and large enterprises, was watched live by 150 people and online via live streaming by nearly 400 users.

The goal of the day, organized by Ecommerce Guru, Treatabit and Jusan Network, was to explain online selling in the most direct way possible, without unnecessary frills. How? Through case histories told by the protagonists of successful ecommerce. Representatives of ambitious start-ups and incumbent companies that have invested in the Web to consolidate their position in their target markets took turns on stage.

Ecommerce was analyzed trying to cover different types of industries: the tourism with ambitious start-up Natural Booking, thefood with the famous Piedmontese company Venchi, Superberry, Tacatì and Ilbeershop.co.uk, the B2B with the French multinational company Agent Co and Cipi, the merchandising company of the Seat Pagine Gialle group, the fashion with Jelmini. 2MinuteDeal, Sofort and iShopps told about innovative methods of web telesales, online payments and mobile marketing.

Google and Unioncamere explained the interesting Districts on the Web project, which is based on two axes: youth and innovation, while Roberto Moriondo, director of the Innovation Office of the Piedmont Region, explained opportunities in the area, interviewed by Orlando Ferraris of Zipnews. Finally, attorney Marco Ciurcina and professor Sergio Chiarla explained the legal aspects related to ecomemrce and how to generate sales leads through the web.

One positive aspect was certainly the involvement of all participants, live and via web link, who interacted with the speakers by asking many questions. The audience included professionals who have been active on the web for many years and entrepreneurs who want to invest in the web and hope to bring this breath of innovation into their companies. So, the 2013 edition of Ecommerce Day in Turin was a success, hopefully the first of a long series.

Luigi Nervo

Luigi Nervo

Digital Marketing Manager

Marketing, Seo and content expert (read the bio).

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Luigi Nervo

Luigi Nervo

Digital Marketing Manager

Marketing, Seo and content expert (read the bio).